Live Free Distillery is owned and operated by André Marcoux in New Hampshire’s queen city, Manchester. In 2010, André started out his hobby of distilling vodka at home, quickly ruining his wife’s pots in the process. He tested his first run of distillation under his deck with a turkey fryer.
After realizing that he wanted to continue his career in distillation, he gave his wife the option of setting up either a small distillery or a grow room in their basement. Soon enough, André had an official distillery running in Manchester, building all his equipment right here in the Granite State.
From the brewhouse—to two stills—to the Live Free Distillery, André lives for well-crafted liquor. Try Live Free Distillery’s products today by visiting New Hampshire Liquor & Wine Outlet at one of our locations listed here.
Learn more about Live Free Distillery here.